My Native American teacher once said that the spirits of our departed loved ones live in the beauty of the rainbows. I’ve never looked at one again without hearing those words. Last evening, so many felt close by.
Rode up to King Ridge Rd. near my home in Sonoma county with a hope to see the September 8 Full Harvest Moon rising just as the Sun set into the Pacific ocean. At this time of year the rise and set are so delicately close in time. The race was on as a wall of fog started rolling in. Soon the sun was gone into cloud and the moon began to show. I quickly climbed to a higher ridge. For a brief but gift giving moment the sun appeared again and in that moment I could witness the balance between worlds…from this world…from our spaceship Earth.
Honor to once again base a wilderness journey from Hunewill Guest Ranch in Bridgeport Ca. The morning gather of horses {for the many guests who come rom all over the country} is always a thrill. The light, ground fog and textures all came together on this particularly vivid morning. My deepest thanks to the Hunewill family for these 35 years of friendship and welcome.
Each day, I have a full time job. It’s not found on any list I’ve ever seen that describes categories of work. The hours are all 24 and there is no way to explain how it provides any real service or redeeming social benefit. It’s very simple and requires constant attention. I’ve been at it for years. Basically, at any given moment, it’s time to look around and witness the natural world…to see the beauty, power and life force all around that sustains us. It’s a practice.
So each day, to support this practice, I look for at least one image where human activity is not the foreground . These wonderful poppies were just out my door and represent to me how close the beauty can be if we have eyes to see.

Another moving Rites of Passage retreat this last weekend with the students and parents of the Leap Now “U” Group on their year long journey to young adulthood. Tomorrow the students leave on their solo internships all over the world for the next months. Wishing them all the very best life experience to returned transformed. Such a privilege to be a part of this life changing program from Leap Now.
So much great todo about “blood moon this and blood moon that”, predictions, projections, and all kinds of significances. In the midst of our unique ability and need to give attention and meaning, there is a simplicity and opportunity during such an event: we witness perfection in motion and alignment, the constant dance of our sun, moon and planet revealed for a few hours …the simple wonder of where we are.