Reconnect with your own deep wisdom and intimate relationship with the natural world
About Michael
Michael’s work is to design and facilitate experiences for people of all backgrounds to reconnect with their own deep wisdom and intimate relationship with the natural world. With a creative and holistic approach, Michael is known for his insightful guidance, careful listening and good humor .
Transformational Journeys
Michael is available for private mentoring and consultation for individuals, couples and families. He is also frequently asked to create ceremonies and rites of passage to mark important occasions and life transitions.

For years, Michael has been invited as an integral teacher for many on going personal growth programs. As an artistic and creative public speaker, he draws from his many years with various teachers and disciplines, a well practiced craft of ritual and a wealth of photographic images and stories from around the world.

An award winning photographer, Michael’s images represent a life long passion to see inspiration in the moment. Similar to becoming a wilderness guide and teacher, photography emerged out of a longing to share the beauty of the Earth and our inter-relationship with all of life.

Along the way there are always images, stories and musings that flow through our lives. The invitation is open to enjoy Michael’s Blog: his Photograph of the Week, stories from the road and trails. together with some images and paragraphs that hopefully try to address and appreciate what it is we are doing here in the first place. Welcome.
Michael is a sensitive and compassionate leader with a special gift for creating sacred space and facilitating powerful and evocative rituals. Truly, Michael is a man in whom art and listening are deeply wed.
– Dr. Richard Moss, author of The Mandala of Being and Inside-Out Healing.